This site is dedicated to photography. digital or analog. It´s all about pictures, who created them and how they did it.

Moonrise over Gräsgård

Let’s call this image series: ”Moonrise over Gräsgård”, as a tribute to the master of nuance in photography, Ansel Adams. Gräsgård is a small village with one of the last fishing harbors on the island Öland east of Sweden. The house Leitz Apo Telyt M 3.4 13.5 cm f 3.4. 400 Asa for the harbor pictures and 800 Asa for the house. Those harbor images Leica M10 Leitz Summilux AA (11873) 1,4.. Read More

24 mm is one of my favorites, and nr 1 is the Summilux M

There’s something magic with the 24 mm lenses. Back to when i started with the Pentax Spotmatic I’ve always loved the 24 mm on what we today call full frame. I went to Leica R and used the 24 mm very much together with the 180, and then I went to Olympus OM with my absolutely favorite the OM 3 ti and for the first time I could use the.. Read More

Still very impressed by the Noct-Nikkor

I’m still using the Noct, and I’m still very impressed by the lens performance. I’ve made those pictures for an article about a small basement club in Sweden. The author Tina K Persson reads from her book ”Livet i all enkelhet”, and the audiens listens silent and concentrated. All pictures are taken with the len full open att 0,95. All pictures are followed with an enlargement.

Thank you Nikon! The Noct is a better lens than I expected

The ultimate competition to Leitz Noctilux is here and I must say that I´m impressed. I love my Noctilux, and i still do, but I must say that the combo Nikon Z6 and Noct Nikkor is a winner in every respect except when it comes to size. The Nikkor is dramatically better tuned when it comes to chromatic aberration and it is a sharper lens on 0,95. Nikon Z6 and.. Read More

Gatufotografi på Rue Daguerre

Det finns en genre inom fotografin som kallas gatufotografi, en slags dokumentärfotografi med visst mått av nostalgi. Kända fotografer som Christer Strömholm, Henri Cartier-Bresson och Weegee har hyllats för sina insatser inom gatufotografin. Jag ägnade mig åt gatufotografi en natt på rue Daguerre i Paris, och det finns en anledning. In English This story is written in swedish, my native language. If you don’t understand, it´s all about street photography.. Read More

The Swedish painter and sculptor Kaj Engström and the Leitz Nocticron 1,2 42,5 mm

We have a very impressive painter and sculptor in Sweden. His name is Kaj Engström and he gets his inspiration on a small island north of the bigger island Gotland. This island is called Fårö. That´s swedish for sheep. He paints sheeps in various ways and various situations, but it´s always the sheep from Gotland, where they call a sheep lamm. He also makes obejects with sheets, animals, dolls and.. Read More

På dagstur i Köpenhamn med Olympus Pen-F och 12mm 2,0

För ett par veckor sedan fick vi möjlighet att tillsammans med ett par vänner ta en dagstur till Köpenhamn. Då huvudsyftet med resan var att äta och dricka gott på några av Köpenhamns många smörrebröds krogar så blev prioriteringen att resa så lätt som möjligt avseende kamerautrustning. Valet föll därför på min Olympus Pen-F med tillhörande 12 mm. Vikten hamnar på ca 500 gram och trots att kameran är liten.. Read More

Reflections on a pair of portrait-lenses

Even today I can feel the excitement and joy that I experienced in late 1980:s unboxing my newly purchased Pentax A* 85 mm 1,4. A dream had come true. After a long period of saving I had finally been able to buy my dream lens. The box was unpacked and soon I had a little more than half a kilo of steel and glass in my hand. It was almost enough.. Read More

Nikon D5 vs Leica M240 in almost no light

Leica has been the low light champion until this millennium. The Leicas, from M3 to M6 has been superior when it comes to take pictures of non moving objects. The lenses are in many cases superior and the focusing are more precise. Specially with wide-angle high speed lenses with apertures like 1,4 or 2,0. Leitz had already the tremendous lens Noctilux 1,0 when the Summilux 35 mm 1,4 dual aspherical was.. Read More

From Leica M4 to Olympos OM-D E-1

There are moments in every photographers life that´s more important or more thrilling than others. I remember the day I´ve got my first Leica. It was a M4 with Summicron lenses, 35 mm and 90 mm. For you who´s used to the Leica nomenclature this of course means 2,0 as maximum aperture. The 90 mm was a huge piece of glass made in Canada. They where both of them really.. Read More